Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Class Update

Wednesday, Oct 14th.
Tommy is out of town. Hal Engler is substituting for him. Today they watched part of the film, "Cane Toads: An Unnatural History." This documentary explains the history of how this invasive species was introduced into the ecosystem of Northeastern Australia and its impact on the native species. It does this with humor and good science. It also interviews people who like the toads and want to see them protected.

Tuesday, Oct 13th.

We reviewed the game that we played on Monday about nutrient cycling. We looked more closely at the Nitrogen Cycle and the multiple paths that nitrogen can travel through the ecosystem. We read some information from The Land Conservancy about invasive species in North Carolina and the impact that they can have on local ecosystems. We looked specifically at The Princess Tree, Kudzu, Stiltgrass, and Chinese Privet. We went outside to look at the Princess Tree that is growing near the MS garden.
Passed out new Homework.
Read handout "Invasive Species" (pp. 3-11) and answer the last question on page 11. Due Tuesday, October 20th.

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