Monday, October 12, 2009

Class Update

Monday, Oct 12th
We played a card game the illustrated how matter cycles through an ecosystem. It emphasized how different nutrients become more or less available depending on where they are in system.
No Homework.
I will be gone Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at a conference in Boston. Hal Engler will be subbing for me as we move into looking at the impacts of Invasive Species.
Friday, Oct 9th
No class, Advisee Outing
Thursday, Oct 8th

We reviewed the results from our Stream Survey of Invertebrates. We determined that the stream is actually pretty healthy based on the types of species that we found present. We talked about how the food web of the stream is very connected to the ecosystem through which it flows. A lot of food gets washed into the stream when it rains and especially when the trees lose their leaves.

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