Monday, October 26, 2009

Class Update

Monday, October 26
Today we reviewed for the Ecology Unit Test that will be on Thursday, Oct 29th. We went over a study guide and started answering some of the questions. Tuesday we will have a practice test and do more review. Use the homework, quizzes, and notes to study.
Here is a link to the study guide: Ecology Study Guide 09

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Class Update

Monday and Tuesday, Oct 19th and 20th
Lots of people were out sick these days which made it hard to keep moving forward. We discussed invasive species. We referred to the reading on Invasives and what defines an invasive species, both native and non-native. We read an article about an invasive fish species in North Carolina, the flat head catfish and discussed how this might be similar to the Cane Toads in Australia. We shared some of our opinions on the Cane Toads and turned in our Position Statements. On Tuesday, homework was collected and the discussion on Invasive Species was continued. We went over the reading and highlighted key parts and added some definitions.
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday were a staff workday and Parent-Teacher conferences.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Class Update

Wednesday, Oct 14th.
Tommy is out of town. Hal Engler is substituting for him. Today they watched part of the film, "Cane Toads: An Unnatural History." This documentary explains the history of how this invasive species was introduced into the ecosystem of Northeastern Australia and its impact on the native species. It does this with humor and good science. It also interviews people who like the toads and want to see them protected.

Tuesday, Oct 13th.

We reviewed the game that we played on Monday about nutrient cycling. We looked more closely at the Nitrogen Cycle and the multiple paths that nitrogen can travel through the ecosystem. We read some information from The Land Conservancy about invasive species in North Carolina and the impact that they can have on local ecosystems. We looked specifically at The Princess Tree, Kudzu, Stiltgrass, and Chinese Privet. We went outside to look at the Princess Tree that is growing near the MS garden.
Passed out new Homework.
Read handout "Invasive Species" (pp. 3-11) and answer the last question on page 11. Due Tuesday, October 20th.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Class Update

Monday, Oct 12th
We played a card game the illustrated how matter cycles through an ecosystem. It emphasized how different nutrients become more or less available depending on where they are in system.
No Homework.
I will be gone Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at a conference in Boston. Hal Engler will be subbing for me as we move into looking at the impacts of Invasive Species.
Friday, Oct 9th
No class, Advisee Outing
Thursday, Oct 8th

We reviewed the results from our Stream Survey of Invertebrates. We determined that the stream is actually pretty healthy based on the types of species that we found present. We talked about how the food web of the stream is very connected to the ecosystem through which it flows. A lot of food gets washed into the stream when it rains and especially when the trees lose their leaves.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Class Update

Tuesday, October 6th. Block Schedule.

1st and 3rd periods went on a field trip to Johnston's Mill Preserve on New Hope Creek. Looked for stream invertebrates under the rocks. We used a field guide to help identify them and made an inventory of species found to determine the health of the stream based on the number of pollution intolerant and pollution tolerant species.

2nd period will go there on Wednesday.

Monday, October 5th. Collected homework on biocides and biodiversity. Returned homework on the 10% Rule and Quizzes from Friday. Went over the reading, "Ecosystem Stability". Looked at how biocides (poisons) can concentrate in the bodies of organisms as they move up the food chain. Looked at history of DDT use in the United States and its effect on birds of prey and pelicans. Discussed monocultures and farming practices that can disrupt stable ecosystems and lower biodiversity.

Thursday and Friday, Oct 1st & 2nd

Thursday we went outside and investigated rotting logs. We looked for evidence of decomposition and used field guides to soil invertebrates to help us identify what we found.
Friday we had an open notes quiz on food webs, the flow of energy and matter, and the formula for photosynthesis. Then we looked at the Nitrogen Cycle and how it moves back and forth between the atmosphere and living things.
Homework is due on Monday, October 5th.