Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Class Update - New Homework

Today we went over the reading, "Web of Life," and added some notes and definitions.
Homework was collected.
We did a web activity with string and cards that illustrated the connections between members of a food web and how ripples are felt through the whole web when different parts are changed.

New homework (Due Friday, September 18):
Read the rest of the handout, "Matter and Energy." pp.10-14. (This is the rest of the "Web of Life" packet)
Answer questions 3 & 4 on a separate sheet of paper.
Pay special attention to fig. 1.13 on page 13 that illustrates how energy flows through a system, and matter cycles in the same system.
Question 2 is a bonus question (optional). But please try to answer it as best you can.

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