Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Class Update

Yesterday we created food webs that might be found in different types of ecosystems (Desert, prairie, tropical rainforest, temperate forest, saltwater, and freshwater). We labeled the diagrams to show the flow of energy and matter through the food web.
Today we had our first quiz.
After the quiz we looked at the chemical formula for Photosynthesis. Tomorrow we will dig into this in more detail.
After these notes, I handed out some new homework:
  • Reading: "Communities and Ecosystems" pp. 49-53. Questions 4 and 5 on page 53. This is due on Friday, September 25.
This reading will be done in three parts.
The second part is to read "Ecosystem Structure" pp. 53-55. Answer question 4. This is due Wednesday, September 30.
The last part of the reading will be due by Friday, October 2. Questions will be assigned later.

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