Friday, November 30, 2012

It Costs What? Project Started

Today we started researching our It Costs What? projects. Students chose a product and began searching for information about what goes into the production of each thing and the resources used along with any pollution that might take place as well. We will make physical posters, called storyboards, that we will hang in the middle school. The finished posters are due on Wednesday, Dec 19th. Here are links to the Storyboard Project Description and the Project Rubric. Everyone should have their product chosen by Monday, December 3rd.
Thursday we introduced the project and went over the description.

We read from Derrick Jensen and Stephanie MacMillan's Graphic Novel, "As The World Burns, 50 Simple Things You Can Do To Stay in Denial." It paints a rather radical view of what needs to be done in order to save the planet from destruction. He is the sort of environmentalist who makes everyone nervous. It prompted some good discussions about how our lifestyles affect the environment and some of the root causes of the environmental issues that we are faced with today. Here is a page from the book that sums up some of the arguments:

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