Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Chemical & Physical Changes

Monday we reviewed the differences between Chemical and Physical changes. We reminded ourselves about the Laws of Conservation of Matter and Conservation of Energy. We went over a list of different types of changes and identified what type of change took place. Here is the Googledoc link to the worksheet on Chemical and Physical Change. We reviewed how Photosynthesis is a chemical change and identified the reactants and the products of the reaction. Homework assigned: Read Chapter 3.1 "Atomic Structure," pp.70-76. Answer questions 4 and 5. For number 4 also explain HOW you got your answer. Due Thursday, January 27.
This is Block Week, so 1st and 3rd period had class today and 2nd period will have it tomorrow. We investigated Water Ice and Dry Ice. We experimented with the two substances and made comparisons. We added energy to each of them, in the form of hot water and made observations. It raised lots of good questions. We will continue experimenting with Dry Ice on Thursday and Friday of this week.

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