Thursday, January 14, 2010

Class Update

Thursday, January 14. It has been block week this week. Monday we went over the basics of metallic bonding and covalent bonding and how they compare to ionic bonding. We came up with a few "rules of thumb" for recognizing what type of bonding is involved with different molecules. Ionic bonding generally involves metals from the left side of the table combining with nonmetals from the right side of the table. Metallic bonding generally involves transition and other metals. Covalent bonding generally involves nonmetals bonding with each other. We reviewed using Lewis dot diagrams to help figure out how the bonding takes place. Everyone got a science textbook to either take home or keep in their cubbie, depending on where they most often do their homework. It is too heavy to carry around in a backpack. Homework due on Thursday. On Tuesday/Wednesday during our block schedule we experimented with dry ice to learn more about its properties.

Today we broke into small groups to sort out the questions that arose from the homework. It required using class notes to answer the questions rather than just finding it in the reading. We made a lot of progress and sorted through some difficult information.

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