Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Class Update

Tuesday, October 6th. Block Schedule.

1st and 3rd periods went on a field trip to Johnston's Mill Preserve on New Hope Creek. Looked for stream invertebrates under the rocks. We used a field guide to help identify them and made an inventory of species found to determine the health of the stream based on the number of pollution intolerant and pollution tolerant species.

2nd period will go there on Wednesday.

Monday, October 5th. Collected homework on biocides and biodiversity. Returned homework on the 10% Rule and Quizzes from Friday. Went over the reading, "Ecosystem Stability". Looked at how biocides (poisons) can concentrate in the bodies of organisms as they move up the food chain. Looked at history of DDT use in the United States and its effect on birds of prey and pelicans. Discussed monocultures and farming practices that can disrupt stable ecosystems and lower biodiversity.

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