Monday, December 3, 2012

A well traveled breakfast

We listened to a short piece from public radio's MarketPlace this morning. It is called "A well-traveled breakfast" and it explores the global connections to the food that we eat in America. It turns out that most of the food that we buy from the grocery store has traveled an average of 1500 miles. Food transportation uses about 240 million barrels of oil a year in the United States, that's about 10% of our national oil production. You can listen to it at this link: MarketPlace Breakfast. Or you can read the transcript here: "A Well Traveled Breakfast." We spent the rest of the morning researching our topics for the "It Costs What?" poster project. Here is a blank chart for taking notes on the research "Outline Notes." We hope to be finished with our research by the end of the week and to start work on making our posters next week.

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