Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wrapping up The Unit

On Monday, 1st and 2nd period got to see the slideshow about water use and water treatment from Alessandro Maresca, our Italian visitor from last week. 3rd period took the final unit test for Ecology. Tuesday everyone got their tests back and we went over it a little bit. In general, everyone did pretty well. We then did a activity that I called "Take a Stand." There are two posters on opposite walls that say "Strongly Agree" and "Strongly Disagree." Then after I read a statement, everyone lines up according to how they feel about that statement. Then we shared why we stood where we did. Some of the issues we discussed included vegetarianism and the availability of food around the planet, the higher cost of environmentally products and whether we should be obligated to buy them, nuclear power as an alternative to greenhouse gas emitting sources of energy, and the desire of poorer nations to grow and develop at the expense of the environment. Here is a link to some more of these types of questions: Take a Stand.

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