Monday, December 12, 2011

Trash Talk and Wrapping It Up

Friday we watched a video clip from the TED talks by Charles Moore about the plastic trash that is ending up in our oceans. You can see it here: The Great Pacific Trash Island. We keep generating more and more plastic and our recycling efforts are not keeping up with it. We looked at the anatomy of an landfill at the How Stuff Works website. Modern landfills are designed to seal away our wastes so that it won't contaminate our water supplies and to safely vent off methane gas, that is a significant greenhouse gas. We looked at maps of the Orange County Landfill and discussed the history and the current issues surrounding the future of this site. We compared this to the Puente Hills Landfill that takes most of the garbage for Los Angeles, at 1300 acres, it is one of the largest in the US.
Monday and Tuesday we are putting the finishing touches on our projects, "It Costs What?" These are due on Wednesday, December 14th.

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