Monday, September 26, 2011

Tree Scavenger Hunt

Today we went outside with Field Guides to the Trees of North Carolina and identified as many trees as we could in half an hour. We took sample leaves and taped them into our Science Journals along with their common and scientific names for future reference. Some of the trees that we identified included: Loblolly Pine, Red Maple, Sweet Gum, Black Cherry, Persimmon, Eastern Hophornbeam, and Eastern Red Cedar. This is part of our ongoing effort to get to know the members of our local community or organisms. Next week during Block Schedule we will take a field trip to New Hope Creek to sample water quality by looking at the stream invertebrates. New Homework: Finish Reading Handout "Decay and Renewal" and answer Questions on Decay and Renewal. Due Thursday, September 29th. Check out this cool website that helps you identify trees by their leaves. It works on Iphone and Ipad as well. Leafsnap.

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