Monday, November 1, 2010

Study Guide for Ecology

Thursday and Friday we looked at some invasive species here on campus (Princess Tree and Chinese Privet) that were planted as ornamentals and now have turned into difficult trees to get rid of. We also began to review for the Ecology test. We looked at the format of an old test and started going over the study guide. Today we continued to review for the Unit Test on Friday, November 5th. We took a practice test. You can download that here: Eco Practice Test. We continued going over the questions on the Study Guide. The Guide and answers to most of the questions can be downloaded here: Eco Test Study Guide. We will watch the movie, Cane Toads: An Unnatural History tomorrow and Wednesday in class. It is a documentary about the impact of the Cane Toads in Australia. In many ways it is a perfect "Invasion Machine" and the movie does a good job of telling the story of how it was introduced and the impact that has followed. It also shows how some people in Queensland have become quite attached to the creatures.

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