Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Class Update

Wednesday, Feb 24th. We had our big Chemistry Exam last week on Wednesday and it went pretty well for everyone. One more way for everyone to show what they know. On Thursday we introduced the experiment/research poster project. Everyone is going to either do a research project or an experiment and then create a poster. These will be shared on Science Day, March 12th. It is optional if they want to hang them up around the school for everyone to see. We are revisiting the scientific process and looking at how we ask questions and then whether these questions can be answered with either an experiment or through research. We continued working on these Tuesday, February 23rd. (Monday all the 4th years joined the Upper School Symposium for workshops on sustainable businesses). It is exciting to see all the different directions that people are taking in their projects. We will work on these projects a few times a week in class, as we start our new unit on energy.

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