Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wednesday, November 11. We went over the reading from "Confessions of an Eco Sinner" about cotton production and the manufacturing of a t shirt and the many hidden costs especially in terms of water and pesticide use. No homework.

Tuesday, November 10.
We listened to a radio report from "Market Place" on National Public Radio, called "A Well Traveled Breakfast" that examines the distances traveled in the transportation of the food we eat. Check out the radio piece here: A Well Traveled Breakfast. We also read a story about Soccer Ball manufacturing in Pakistan that introduced the concept of Fair Trade and the many different issues that are involved in determining the price of something.

Monday, November 9
. We finished our final posters, did the self evaluations and evaluated two others. We watched part of a film called "T Shirt Travels" about the second hand clothing industry in Zambia. Here is a short excerpt from the film on Utube: Tshirt Travels.

Homework is an excerpt from the book, "Confessions of an Eco Sinner." by Fred Pearce. It is the chapter about how cotton is grown. Reading due on Wednesday, Nov. 11th.

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