Monday, April 15, 2013

Wheels and Axles

Work continues on the electric vehicles and charging stations. New homework today: Read Wheels and Gears and do the quiz on My Big Campus for this reading. Due  Thursday, April 18.
Please sign and return the permission forms by Thursday, April 18th as well.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Documenting our EV work

We have two more weeks to finish our Electric Vehicles and Charging stations. It is important that we continue to document the work on our website EV2013. The website has lots of good information and links to useful websites on the Resources page. In particular you should look at the Sun Angle calculators to figure out the height of the sun at noon in Raleigh on April 27th. This will help with figuring out the optimal angle of the PV panel.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Simple Machines

We went over some basics about simple machines today. We defined Potential and Kinetic Energy, looked at Inclined Planes (Ramps) and an introduction to Levers. Here are the Notes and a short explanation of Ramps. Homework is to read about Levers by Thursday, April 11 and answer some questions on the My Big Campus site.